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"Be My Lady of Tonight"

A low thrum that vibrated through the floor and into my chest. Laughter and conversation swirled around us, a chaotic symphony, but all I could focus on was you. Your eyes, the way they caught the light, held a story I desperately wanted to read. Maybe it was the way you moved, a fluid grace that captivated me, or maybe it was the hint of mischief in your smile, but something about you had me utterly transfixed. In this crowded room, you felt like the only person, and a reckless thought bloomed in my mind: Be my lady of tonight. Not in some fleeting, superficial sense, but in a way that felt significant, a connection that transcended the noise and the faces around us. A silent plea, a whispered invitation carried on the air, hoping, maybe, just maybe, you felt it too.

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