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Fashion Editorial with Coloured Smoke bombs

What to consider to create your best photography sessions?

  1. Model

Model need to understand and know what she is going to do for example she need to know that she will have to work two things at the same time holding smoke bombs that never let the smoke cover her face by keep smokes in the side or can start from front to back slowly when smoke start to burn to get a good shots and it's more safe for her eyes not get burning eyes.

Make sure you get the right model also that be able to do this (brave) otherwise her worry face and eyes will show obvious in the shots.

She might need to practice to hold smoke bombs and have the nice poses at the same time before the real shoot start.

2. Outfits

Outfits style and color we need to know to choose the right smoke colors that make the images pop.

(Photos below here are without shoot to make model feels relax and rest the smoke).

3. Make up

Make up is depend on what the designer want really for example in this session we created vintage fashion style with smoke bombs so make up more likely strong fantasy but also vintage at the same time.

4. Location

Location we choose will relate to the outfit or dress like the session above was green body suit so I chose the green background but have smoke colors contrast and also I know how I will post processing in vintage fashion looks.

5. Colors of smoke will you use and where to buy it?

As I said above smoke colors will related to the dress and style the we can choose the right color, then now we need to choose the right smoke bombs from the good company or shop that we can trust ( less risk) as well by do some research or just ask what other photographer use or your photographer friends use before and its safest brand and here I have gone with and recommend:

Smoke Bombs:

Smoke machine for studio:

6. Know the results of post processing

I mentioned most other the times that we should know what the post processing or the results will look like before the shoot start ( pre shoot) I usually use Lightroom to collect basic stuff then Photoshop for most editing colors model skin background and most important ifs you work with fashion company is the right fabric color codes or incase the designer want it fancy and don't mind about it.

How to play it safe?

  1. Let model know before the shoot that how smokes work? normally after lited fire smoke start to burn and right away smoke will come out stronger after short while till fade aways in the end., if incase accidentally one is not work properly or after lit fire and not get burn then she should leave on the floor till start burn properly then hold it up again, other than that then leave it and walk away.

She should hold smoke at the edge so she don't feel hot on her hands and start to feel worry during the shoots.

2. Use the right smoke bombs from the right shop or company who produced it.

My smoke bombs video make thing easy by use Tubebuddy :

Vidtoon animate video

Whilst your quickly and easily make high-converting toon-style videos to grab attention with a TON of amazing features and up-to-the-minute features.

3. Safe location to choose

That's why all of my shots are outdoor and faraway from building and people you can see it ;)

You can also shoot in abandoned building as well but make it's safe that the fire or smoke will burn anything even abandoned building because it's can be real dangerous for your team as well.

But... good optional for studio shoot also to use the smoke machine you can see here:

4. Back up plans incase anything happen

Right, back up plan is how to stop fire if its burn something around there, what to do if's model get hurt? What is you or your team get hurt as well? so set plan for all of it.

Tips: The best is to use flash light to shine direct to model and outfits and even best to have two one set in light setup to shine he face then one in the side back or back to see texture of the smokes especially if's you shoot in the dark or night time will have even more textures.

New chic lingerie

Pajamas & robes


Push up lace bra for woman

I hope you like this ideas and show me some of your works in the comment or if's never done yet then try it!

Have a good one


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